Welcome to The Mindedness Revolution!
What is mind and how does it relate to matter? This question, the famous “mind-body problem,” has confounded us since the dawn of the scientific Enlightenment and before.
No longer. UTOK, the Unified Theory of Knowledge, provides us a way to clearly diagnose the problem, as the Enlightenment Gap, and clearly map out its resolution. This means it is time for the Mindedness Revolution!
Crucial to UTOK is the shift in our thinking from the traditional split between “the physical” and “the mental” to seeing the world as an unfolding wave of behavior that exists at different layers, planes, and levels. This shift in perspective is provided by UTOK’s the Tree of Knowledge System and Periodic Table of Behavior.
UTOK also provides us with a new Map of Mind. It divides “the mind” into three layers of Mind1, Mind2, and Mind3. Mind1 corresponds to what the philosopher David Chalmers called the psychological mind and refers to the neurocognitive activity of the brain and the overt actions of animals. Mind2 corresponds to what Chalmers called the phenomenological mind. It refers to the qualitative, subjective experience of being from the first-person point of view. Mind3 refers to self-conscious narration and the justifying mind we see in human persons (see here for more details).
This series will show why science in general and psychology and psychiatry in particular have struggled to frame the mind in a scientific way, which serious and problematic implications. It will also help listeners get a better sense of understanding the mind via the concept of mindedness and learn the vocabulary of Mind1, Mind2, and Mind3.
In addition to offering a corrective lens, the Mindedness Revolution opens up a new way of seeing the world by pointing to the concept of Mind4!
What could Mind4 be and why might it be important? Watch the series and find out! It starts today, Monday, October 28, 2024!
Episode 1: https://youtu.be/lXBe_VUCt18
Mindedness Revolution | Episode 1 | Introduction to the Series
Welcome to the Mindedness Revolution! In this opening episode, Drs. Gregg Henriques and Baron Short introduce themselves and provide an overview of the series. They share their respective backgrounds in clinical psychology and psychiatry, and explain why science is largely “mindblind.” They describe why this is the case. The scientific Enlightenment resulted in an Enlightenment Gap, and could not effectively place mind in relationship to matter, and scientific knowledge in relationship to subjective and social forms of knowing. Now, with UTOK, the Unified Theory of Knowledge, we can place mind back into nature, and place scientific knowledge in proper relation to subjective and social forms of knowing. And the implications for this discovery are immense!