PinnedPublished inUnified Theory of KnowledgeUnderstanding ConsciousnessA New View Anchored in Extended NaturalismSep 722Sep 722
PinnedPublished inUnified Theory of KnowledgeFive Layers, Four Planes, and Twelve Levels:Extended Naturalism’s Ontology of the Natural WorldJun 271Jun 271
PinnedPublished inUnified Theory of KnowledgeUTOK’s Conceptual Architecture for Subjective KnowingThe goal of this rather detailed blog is to develop a clear descriptive metaphysical architecture for human subjective experience and…Mar 18Mar 18
Published inUnified Theory of KnowledgeThe Core of Extended NaturalismThis blog was co-authored with Professor John Vervaeke.Dec 31Dec 31
Published inUnified Theory of KnowledgeThe UTOK DictionaryKey Terms and Ideas Defined by UTOKDec 2Dec 2
Published inUnified Theory of KnowledgeHarris, Trump, and the Future of Our CultureA year ago, Vice President Harris was asked how she defined culture. She gave a convoluted response, and claimed culture involved joy…Oct 303Oct 303
Welcome to The Mindedness Revolution!What is mind and how does it relate to matter? This question, the famous “mind-body problem,” has confounded us since the dawn of the…Oct 281Oct 281
Published inUnified Theory of KnowledgeUTOK: The Unified Theory of KnowledgeHow can we effectively describe the world and our experience of it? When you open your eyes and look around, you are flooded with…Oct 37Oct 37
Published inUnified Theory of KnowledgeThe Common Core of PsychotherapyThis blog was co-authored by Marcia Gralha, MA.Sep 275Sep 275
Published inUnified Theory of KnowledgeWhy I have Resigned from the American Psychological AssociationWhat is psychology? Is it a science that attempts to describe and explain animal and human behavior? Is it a profession that is structured…Aug 2043Aug 2043